10:00 AM أطة«تسئµ“ 12:00 PM أطة«تسئµ¢ Posters, Networking & Lab Tours with Brunch
Swope Center Floor 2 & Swope Upper Terrace
Tours led by current students begin on the half hour.

12:15 أطة«تسئµ“ 6:15 PM أطة«تسئµ¢ Symposium
Cornelia Clapp Auditorium

12:15 أطة«تسئµ“ 1:55 PM أطة«تسئµ¢ Session 1: Sensory & Motor Control
Session Chair: Marc Hammarlund, PhD, Yale University School of Medicine
Director, 2019-2022; Faculty 2012-2017

12:15 أطة«تسئµ“ 12:20 PM أطة«تسئµ¢ Welcome
Marc Hammarlund, PhD, Yale University School of Medicine
Director, 2019-2022; Faculty 2012-2017

12:20 أطة«تسئµ“ 12:30 PM أطة«تسئµ¢ Remarks on behalf of NINDS
WalterJ. Koroshetz, MD, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Class of 1985

12:30 أطة«تسئµ“ 1:00 PM
Josh Sanes, PhD, Harvard University
Class of 1971; Faculty 2000-2001, 2007; Lecturer 1995, 2003, 2005-2006, 2008, 2010

1:05 أطة«تسئµ“ 1:20 PM
Juan Angueyra, MD, PhD, National Eye Institute
Class of 2010; Faculty 2015; Teaching Assistant 2011

1:25 أطة«تسئµ“ 1:55 PM
Megan Carey, PhD, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown
Class of 2003

2:00 أطة«تسئµ“ 2:50 PM أطة«تسئµ¢ Session 2: The Synapse
Session Chair: Ellen A. Lumpkin, PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Director 2018-2022; Faculty 2015-2017; Lecturer 2014

2:00 أطة«تسئµ“ 2:30 PM
Kristen Harris, PhD, The University of Texas at Austin
Class of 1980; Faculty 1985-1997; Lecturer 1998, 2000, 2001, 2008, 2010, 2015, 2018

2:35 أطة«تسئµ“ 2:50 PM
Raul Ramos, PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Class of 2018; Teaching Assistant 2019; Course Manager 2022

2:50 أطة«تسئµ“ 3:00 PM أطة«تسئµ¢ Group Photo
Lillie Steps

3:00 أطة«تسئµ“ 3:30 PM أطة«تسئµ¢ Coffee Break
MBL Quad

3:35 أطة«تسئµ“ 5:00 PM أطة«تسئµ¢ Session 3: Neurobiology of Disease
Session Chair: Ellen A. Lumpkin, PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Director 2018-2022; Faculty 2015-2017; Lecturer 2014

3:35 أطة«تسئµ“ 4:05 PM
Rita Balice-Gordon, PhD, Muna Therapeutics, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Class of 1985; Faculty 2004-2005

4:10 أطة«تسئµ“ 4:30 PM
Diego Bohأ³rquez, PhD, Duke University School of Medicine
Class of 2013

4:35 أطة«تسئµ“ 4:55 PM
Lisa Boxer, PhD, National Cancer Institute, NIH
Class of 2015

4:55 أطة«تسئµ“ 5:15 PM أطة«تسئµ¢ Short Break

5:15 أطة«تسئµ“ 6:30 PM أطة«تسئµ¢ Session 4: Genetics of Behavior
Session Chair: Diana Bautista, PhD, University of California Berkeley, HHMI
Director 2017-2022; Faculty 2009-2016

5:15 أطة«تسئµ“ 5:45 PM
David Anderson, PhD, California Institute of Technology
Class of 1979; Faculty 1986, 2006

5:45 أطة«تسئµ“ 6:15 PM
Vanessa Ruta, PhD, The Rockefeller University
Class of 2000; Faculty 2016; Lecturer 2015

6:15 أطة«تسئµ“ 6:20 PM أطة«تسئµ¢ Closing Remarks
Diana Bautista, PhD, University of California Berkeley, HHMI
Director 2017-2022; Faculty 2009-2016